Tuesday, February 9, 2016


Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge…TPACK represents the old and the new of teaching for technology. It breaks down how a teacher should know “how to teach” their own area of content to their classroom. TPACK is the framework on how teaching should be integrated and developed properly for each teacher’s specific domain.

Educators benefiting from TPACK:

  • ·      Teachers can use TPACK in visualizing the complex relationships between the different domains of their knowledge. TPACK provides teachers with leveraging specialized knowledge when trying to plan and implement education technologies within their lessons and units.
  • ·      TPACK can also serve as a tool for teachers when they need enabling an analysis of a teacher’s knowledge and for planning future professional development. Teachers can identify their levels of strength or weakness in each area of domain.
  • ·      TPACK can also provide language for teachers to communicate with common vocabulary about activities related to technology integration.

Having a TPACK within classrooms, teachers have a better way of collaborating and understanding each of their own domains, and if they have a weakness in a category they can look to a colleague who is more knowledgeable in that area.  

Teachers can make sure their technology lessons are most beneficial, as when they have integrated the “3Es”…Engaging, Efficient and Effective.  Students need all three of these to receive the most effective and efficient learning outcome. There are many teaching models and strategies that can be useful in classrooms. Models can point out specific learning ideas that need to be more focused on. Making a visual aid sometimes will help a student grasp the information more effectively. Teachers also can use different strategies to help their classroom be a more efficient learning environment. Students can learn individually and then work with their teacher and also work together and share their thoughts and ideas about a certain lesson.  Technology is a large use in the classroom that can help with teaching and learning.  STRIDE is an app that teachers use in the school I work in to help students on each subject, answering multiple-choice questions on their unique learning level. Students progress as their scores improve. I hope to gain more technology knowledge as far as what to use in my future classroom, from this class.

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