Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Evernote Strategy/21st Century Tool Review

This is the first time I have ever used the Evernote app. I think it is very beneficial and can be a valuable learning aid for students. I enjoyed being able to snap a picture of notes I studied and then being able to edit the notes to my liking for my own personal studies. When using Evernote from my iPhone to laptop, it was a little confusing but I adjusted after playing around with the app. Using this app has been very efficient. I like how you can organize your notes to different notebooks that pertain to different chapters. This makes going back to specific notes a lot easier to find. This tool, I appreciate a lot.

I believe this app would be very beneficial to high school students and college students for note taking and studying for tests. However, I do not think that an elementary student would understand a lot about it. Elementary students do not have a lot of studies they have to take home like older students do. I think this app would be very beneficial for teachers, though. Evernote can serve for an awesome organizing tool for lesson plans and classroom notes and/or activities. Teachers can also use this for personal use, as for wanting to track different goals for themselves, as a teacher or even their students progress, maybe on a particular subject. As a future teacher, I can see myself using the snapshot feature a lot. I can take pictures of work and make notes that I need to come back and review again or even show a student how he or she can improve their work. This app can be a very influential aid for helping any teacher become more effective and efficient in their classroom.

Snap shots of my notes I took throughout the chapters:

Tool Review:

Google Apps for Education- This is a small world of technology, useful for all different types of learning. Teachers use this tool every day at the school I work in. I am still learning how to use all of its features, but so far my favorite is the Google calendar. I can share this and all the teachers can review it to see all of the school activities. Edits can also be made by different people as well. Another feature I like, is the sharing of documents. If my colleague and I are working on a lesson plan in the comfort of our own homes, we can work and save and the other one can open up the document and edit anything and save as well. This tool is very beneficial for students as well. Students can utilize Google for project based learning and documents their progress on specific projects. There are student surveys offered and discussion boards. These are just a few features this small world offers. Everything a student or teacher needs is at their fingertips.

Classdogo- This app is also used in the school I work in, mainly by our 4th graders. I do hear mixed messages from parents and teachers about this app. The website allows parents and teachers to keep up with student behavior/conduct in the classroom. This is also a tool for the student to track their progress on how well their conduct is during class hours. Students can set personal and/or class goals and keep up with them as they work harder to meet each goal. This app is worked on a point system. The teacher can give and take away classdogo points for awesome conduct or misbehavior. As a student, I think to actually see how well or not well I am doing would help me to stay on track or work a little harder for classdogo points. This app also allows teachers to document behavior if there need be a referral to the office. The parent can have a visual of how the teacher marked each tier before the student had a write up referral. I believe this is a very beneficial app for all, teacher, parent, and student. There is always continuous communication.

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